Potential Issue With Payment

Hey there!

So basically Mother's Day is upcoming in the UK, and with my limited funds I'm going to have to forgo my CGC subscription for a week or two. My subscription was supposed to renew on the 22nd but for whatever reason the payment couldn't go through (had a few troubles with paying for things with my card online recently), so I decided to seize this opportunity and cancel the subscription. For the record it seems to have worked as I cannot access any of the paid content.

However, when I awoke today I discover that I have an email from CGC saying that once again the payment has been declined and I have a week to pay or else my account will be cancelled. Whenever I try to cancel again it merely tells me that the "User has already been taken".

Now this could've simply been a mistake, I just wanted some clarification is all. Also I'm not sure what my account being cancelled entails. Guess I'm a bit melodramatic but that could mean anything from "You won't be able to access content until you pay," to "Your account will be banned forever and ever and you can never come back," which would be unfortunate to say the least. I'd like to know where I stand as providing all goes well I'll be returning to the subscription in little over a week.

Thanks in advance!

  • silentheart00 replied
    Have you contacted support (although they may not work on the weekends)?
  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    Hello Aaron, I was able to find your account after some digging. I did actually find two accounts when searching under your username, but those are essentially the same in terms of access. Your account will not be "given away" or locked out for good. Typically if a member does not pay the membership it'll send out emails like you received, then after a while it'll just naturally expire. Your account, free or paid does not change. 

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Thanks for the insight guys, everything is going well now, thank you!