A Wild Box Appears

10,000 thousand years ago if you heard a rustle on the bushes you were probably about to get eaten, you were done if eyes were looking back at you. Fast forward in time and a lot of people that came before me were smart enough so that today, airplanes can drop off stuff in your house; and the eyes that are looking at you, have content for you, not you for content.

Very special thanks to @wesburke

  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    I'm confused.  Is this an advertisement?  Are these photographs or renders?

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    williamatics Is not an advertisement, I'm just glad I got CGC goodies. Kinda surreal to see CGC manifested in the real world.

    And they're photographs. But I hadn't thought of that, 3D artist have what I'm coining "Post Traumatic Render Disorder"; the doubt of the veracity of images. 99.9% of artist suffer from PTRD, and experts on the field says it's what launched CaptainDisillusion's career. 

  • silentheart00 replied

    dostovel Oh yeah, I remember asking if you could get the goodies box outside of the US.  Nice!