BC4-1810 Homework, Ben Reichel


This is my homework topic for BC4-1810, Shading and Lighting.

This is my first live class at CGC.  I'm excited to be part of this class as shading and lighting is the next step in my blender learning plan.

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    notcastanza You even got a couple of hours early 😉 Nice job!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    notcastanza You submitted in time. Here's a secret: I've yet to not grade someone based on time submitted. I just strongly encourage timely submissions to make my grading life easier :)

    Nice work on your arch viz this week! One thing I want to commend but may seem like an obvious thing to do: You picked colors and materials that are appropriate based on reality. I've seen many kitchens like this in my life and because of that I'm immediately invited to believe your render. Good color and material choices, Ben.

    I have a few critique points:

    • The wood floor has no bump. The reflection strength and roughness look great! But no wood floor is perfectly smooth. Using the texture as a subtle bump goes a long way.
    • The outside environment texture is too clear. Dimensionally, I would like to see the environment A) blurred out to represent depth of field in the camera and B) blown out in terms of exposure. Camera's do this because the dynamic light range outside vs inside is drastically different and modern technology has a hard time normalizing them together. Blowing out the windows to white or almost white is more relatable as a photorealistic aesthetic.
    • Lighting is realistic but could be more interesting. This one is something I'm seeing a lot this week and will discuss in depth during tomorrow's live stream. In short it looks like a snapshot of a realistic kitchen on a normal random day. The only issue with that is it can be common and forgettable. However a more *designed* lighting scenario can look more interesting; like it belongs in a magazine.

    All things considered it's an A from me.