BC4-1810 Homework, Jere Haapaharju


My homework thread for the  October 2018 Class.

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    mmalhomsi Thanks and nice to see you again!

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    @theluthier Thanks Kent. I appreciate the notes

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    Week 4 Homework submission

    I wanted took it as a challenge to make the interior scene by myself. The plan was to create a simple set with few objects and a window and that was just the right amount of work for this deadline. Few things were left to adjust like the image behind the window still looks wrong for some reason and I want to try out some different camera angles.

    For lighting match I found this sweet simple zergling model from Blend Swap and as a goal image is "Dino with laser !" by Maciej Powarunas. I don't know how it's done in the goal image but I had to render the background in different scene and compose the renders to get that ground reflection without light reflections.

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    swikni I had already seen the sneak peek of your Arch Viz on Instagram, great work!! Maybe the image behind the window should be blown out to look better? That's what usually happens when you take a photo inside. Good stuff though, great work!

    Love the light match, good goal image and great result 😄👍🏻

  • malhomsi replied

    swikni  good work my friend , and Kudos for modeling the scene ! for me it s a good result , the exterieur image feels off ,maybe its a resolution problem !

    i love the light match ! keep the good job 

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 mmalhomsi Thanks! The background image is definitely a problem. I wanted to make it nature theme and damn, I have like a million forest photos on my hard drive but it was so difficult to find one that even fits! That's the first thing to do after pumpkin contest. Hopefully I get it done in time

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    swikni The rug feels off to me... seeming more like a foam pad. But otherwise, great job on the interior!

    Light match looks really good as well!

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    gradyp Thanks! I'll add fixing the carpet in the to do list 😁

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Homework submitted all 4 weeks - good stuff swikni! There's a lot of good about your arch viz scene. All your wood textures look spot on; entirely realistic. Your lighting looks very realistic as well. I love the lamp shades. Maybe my favorite single element of the scene.

    One thing that doesn't read realistically to me is the rug. It reads more like a sponge and unfortunately we're closer to the rug than anything else which exacerbates the negative effect. You should be able to get away with this kind of textured rug geometry approach if it was thinner and further from camera.

    Another thing is the environment texture in the window, as  you mentioned. I think there's a few things wrong with it:

    1. Brightness is off. We can see the sky through the trees which is much brighter than interior lights would be yet it's strange grey color:
      Additionally cameras and human eyes can't fully normalize the dynamic range of daylight and indoor light. Both of them adjust to one or the other, whichever is focused. Camera's are less advanced than the human eye and they normalize the dynamic ranges poorly which usually results in a blown out exterior. That's why so often you see blown out windows or pure white windows in photos and renders.
    2. It feels more like a photo on the wall than a dimensional outdoor space. This is a very common problem with arch viz renders. The issue is not necessarily as simple using a texture. That approach makes too much sense to not employ. However a dimensional space would be affected by depth of field in the camera lens. In other words blurring the background is important to conveying dimension.

    Overall though you're very close to realism. It's an B+ in my book.

    Your light match is great! I love the extreme greens and blues. They certainly add interest to an already cool but grey model 👍 A from me.

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    @theluthier Thanks for the notes Kent. First of all this class has been so educative and I'm glad that I managed to follow through even if it has been such a crazy month. At the moment I feel like I have to re-render all of my scenes with new lighting set to make them look better and when thinking of it, it does sound like very good practice.

    I will take a look at those fault points before uploading the image to the gallery. BUT FIRST The Epic Pumpkin Contest!🎃🔥🔥🔥  


  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    swikni That car on the wall picture is from the car shading exercise? I would wish somehow a little bit more from it, although understanding of course that maybe it would take too much focus on that area.

    Anyway Jere congratulations for participating in all the classes in 2018, maybe it was not only a crazy month but a year :D But absolutely true it meant so valuable and lot of learning

  • Kent Trammell replied

    First of all this class has been so educative and I'm glad that I managed to follow through even if it has been such a crazy month

    swikni I'm very glad to hear you found the class educational! And yes, doing this and the pumpkin contest makes for a super busy month. Lesson learned: Don't schedule a class and contest in the same month.

    I look forward to seeing your final contest entry!

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    csehz Yes it is my good ol' piece of junk. Guess I'm missing it more than I'd like to admit lol. The positioning of the picture makes sense for the whole scene and I thought it will show more from the different angles when I make it there.

    And you're right, it hasn't been just this month but the whole year. Things seriously has been learned.