BC4-1810 Homework, Omar Domenech


Hello there. These are my homework's for the first week. 

Link for the Toy Truck Submission:


And then there's the bedroom which I tried to get all crazy and experimental. 

Link for the Bedroom:


  • Dragonice (dragonice69) replied

    dostovel Wow! Your light match is super awesome.

  • silentheart00 replied

    dostovel Nice work.  The blue light in the sword could maybe have more of a white core like in the original, but looks good otherwise.  Good car, too.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied


    ssmurfmier1985 It's cycles, I haven't used EEVEE yet. In order to get that shadow, I turned on "Shadow Catcher" for the plane. I guess EEVEE doesn't have that feature yet. 

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    dostovel Thanks for your response! I'll wait patiently then till EEVEE gets that function 🙂

  • Kent Trammell replied

    dostovel Congrats: You've ignited a war between my head and heart. My heart says "Vehicle renders literally don't get any better than this!" while my head says "But he didn't follow the rules!"

    Lol well first, the vehicle is an incredible set of renders. You've truly outdone yourself here. That "neon" version with the light bars on the back and floor...absolutely beautiful work sir. Stunning. It's going in my pinterest board for lighting reference 😅

    Given that, A) you didn't use Eevee and B) you didn't do another light match. You punk! I'll give you an A as a compromise but the real reward is your renders. They're fantastic 👏

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    @theluthier Dude, I feel so ashamed. I remember reading the thread for Homework 2 and just saying like, ah cool, lighting the car should be fun.  I went there now and read them again and it says, using Blender 2.8 and EEVEE. Dangs its. Moreover, I thought it was ok to re-use some of the lighting match since the first homework it was ok to re-post the exercises if you had done them.

    I don't deserve the XP, I didn't follow the rules. [puts forehad against the gun] come dude, pull the trigger, you know you have to, there's no other way, I feel like I used Fox McClould and just shot the laser gun throughout the whole match. It's ok, just do it, you know it's the right thing to do. [Closes eyes]

  • Kent Trammell replied

    dostovel Haha I'm mostly giving you a hard time my guy. Homework is really just designed to motivate people to actually do work during the week so they apply why they're learning. You've participated in the light matching several times already and OBVIOUSLY you've been doing major work this week. You deserve the XP.

    But seriously, the renders are incomparably valuable next to the XP 😄

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    dostovel Omar och you shared your nodes for the materials, that is a nice gesture so we can learn, let me investigate deeper. 

    Anyway your car render is great of course, surely you also know, somehow it can be felt that the car is heavy, has weight, so being real by that

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    Amazing work. That car looks fantastic. You really made the car of my dreams xd now tell me where can I order this one :p. 

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    @theluthier Alright, then I guess I pulled a Neo and revived after taking several bullets in the hallway. Thanks for the cool honor of having a spot in the Pinterest Hall Of Fame.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    Homework #3

    Lighting Arnie:

    Made a couple of attempts, didn't know which one to post, so I posted them all.

    Also tried to light Vincent, some time has passed so I made him age a bit.

    And I learned from last time that you can't re-post lighting matches you've already done, but I ran out of time so I have no choice but to post one from before and loose the XP. I'm like Batman, I can take it. 

    @theluthier  I followed your advice on the rim light, getting that blow out all the way the edge, looks sweeeeet. Plus I learned not to be afraid of the shadows and high contrast. Something clicked on that last live stream and during the homework, I feel like I got a level up. 

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    dostovel You're stuff is next level, these look amazing! Very inspiring

  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt) replied

    dostovel your works are always inspiring. Just great.

  • John Fluet(cthulusan) replied

    dostovel Those eyes!  Inspirational lighting results.  But those eyes!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Omar, Omar...the talented but defiant student. You take the easy route for one half of the assignment but go above and beyond for the other half of the assignment! The most important thing: It's evident that lighting is clicking with you. Your'e getting it and it's showing in your work. Awesome job, sir 👏

    Another A in my gradebook.

  • Carolyn Perez Hemphill(rostzwiebel) replied

    dostovel all arnies look sooo good!

  • silentheart00 replied

    dostovel Good work as always.

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    dostovel I think i Like the red lit goblin myself, but all look great. And nice to see I wasn't the only one taking a turn at Vincent this week. I like how you made an older version of him.  As for your light match... very well done! I think the sun is a bit brighter and yellower in yours, but as I found this week, that can really be hard to dial in. Great work this week!

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    dostovel These renders popped in my Instagram and all I could think was "Damn Omar nailed it again" lol. Incredible work and at first I didn't even realize the low-polyness of that lighting match truck because the background looks so good.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    Homework week 4: Interiors

    Sorry but I'm not that happy with the results, again they look kinda cartoony to me, not that clean realistic feel I want to achieve with those amazing renders you see online. 

    Made a couple of attempts, I'll post them all. I rendered a lot and they were taking at least 2 hours so I couldn't try everything I wanted or fix the mistakes they have. Also sorry I can only drop by and post the homework, my entire free time goes into trying to make these assignments. Totally worth it thought, it's with practice like this and having the  community and teacher motivation that you level up bit by bit.  

    And as per usual, I'll take the hit with the lighting match.  :(