September 26th, 2018 - Blender Live Critiques - Submit Your Blender Art!

Kent Trammell

UPDATE: Originally the critique was scheduled for the 25th but due to a conflict has been moved back one day.

One magical Wednesday in September - the 26th - Kent and Jonathan Lampel will be live to critique your Blender art work. If you would like our focused eyes and critique to help push your stuff to the next level, please submit one of your projects to this thread.


Instructions for Submission:

NOTE: All active Citizen members have access to watch this live critique stream and submit art to be critiqued in this thread.

  1. Post an image or link to a video in this thread that represents your Blender Project.
    • Optionally, if you have multiple images, post a link to your project on
  2. IMPORTANT: Please provide context for the project with a description that gives us an idea of what you're trying to achieve.
    • "I'm going for realism but something feels off and but I don't know what..."
    • "I'd like to match the style of ______. What should I do to get there?"
  3. Please submit your project by September 24th.
  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt) replied

    Sadly I had some kind of creative constipation for latest two weeks and have nothing new to bring here. So, I'll just hang out with you, guys. But maybe I'll give birth to something before an event.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    nekronavt You can submit an older project for critique if you'd like. It doesn't have to be something new. Or you can hang out - either way 👌

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I was typing an individual confirmation to everyone who's submitted so far, but then chrome crashed and I lost my big mega reply. BUT at this point I've included everyone who has submitted to this thread FYI.

  • silentheart00 replied

    @theluthier Thanks, chrome lol.

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    @theluthier sorry to hear that. The hard way to force-short a too long reply lol. Great thing that you got all the submissions included.

  • Phil Osterbauer(phoenix4690) replied

    svetimas  thanks a lot! I have so much to learn yet, but this whole journey has been an exciting one. :)

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    @theluthier That is indeed somehow frustrating. guess we can never save or copy enough xD
    Looking forward tomorrow to the critique session :D

  • Brandon Ruffin(bruffin095) replied

    Here's a link to my submission!

    I am really late on this due to straining my eyes, so I had to walk away for a couple days. Lesson learned on breaks! But it is here to make an appearance, mainly as a work in progress, because there are some warts! Can you find them? Please, don't hold back Lampell! Kent! You and I both know it's not perfect! It's a new medium than my other nature stuff I've done. The more I hurt, then better I'll be!

    This piece was supposed to be part of my portfolio for freelancing, showing people I can do arch viz, eventually. The idea behind this was to be another attempt at going for a bright, arch viz, IKEA feel to it, but later decided to take this on a more personal route and put myself into the scene. I was going for a semi-cool summer morning feel to it with the sunlight pouring into the room, because the same happens in my room, and it's always something I study and love looking at in those early hours, especially when making/having coffee. Lastly, (because I have more work to do), I had this feeling of "MAKING IT" in this world and felt this would be ideal kitchen for me once I move out and am on my own, freelancing, and having a cup of coffee next to me. Reflecting as I sip. Proud of my efforts.. Psyching up for the next big goal in my life.

  • Brandon Ruffin(bruffin095) replied

    @bruffin776 This is rendered at 50% due to time!

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    Rats. I can't believe I submitted my work and totally forgot the stream. Well luckily  the notes find their way to me afterwards but it just feels so rude.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    No worries swikni! I'll get the recording up as soon as I can. It will take longer than usual as I'm on a chromebook all week at the retreat and dont have much video editing capability. But it will be available by Monday at the latest.