BC1-1808 Homework Tim Elliott


For Homework 2, I made models of a flying saucer and a chair.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended) replied

    Those are good enough for just starting out.  I bet that by the end of the class you'll be able to beat that easily, though.

    Just curious, how far have you gotten through the suggested prerecorded course videos?

  • silentheart00 replied

    Good work for just beginning.  The beginning is the hardest, so keep at it every day and you'll be amazed when you look back how much you've grown.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    What silentheart00 said, really looking forward to what you're gonna be capable of in the future, keep on at it!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Good stuff mmetaversedeveloper! I'm glad to see you getting into edit mode and creating a couple models. It's a B in my book just because it's a little on the simple side; doesn't look like you stretched your mesh modeling legs too much. But it's certainly a passing submission for the week 👍

    PS: Would you mind posting your week 2 submission to your original thread? The idea is one thread per student for the month rather than one thread per homework submission. Though it's a new format and very likely that I didn't explain it thoroughly. I'd appreciate though, so that all homework and feedback can be contained together.