Bevel Mod + Subsurf Mod flow results in artifacts on edges


I've been trying to utilise the Bevel + Subsurf flow in order to save on the extensive amounts of loops I was forced to use in the hard surface modeling to achieve nice edges. Everything seemed to be going fine but suddenly I started noticing strange behaviour:

So I had a look inside and have noticed this:

And one more to show the mesh:

It brings me to conclusion that I am either doing something wrong here or such a flow Bevel + Subsurf does not exist. I would think that bevels created by the modifier would create sufficient amount of "loops" and support that corner.

Thank you,

  • Kaj Suominen(louhikarme) replied

    some areas you'll still need holding edges to fix problems like that. What you have to remember with the bevel is that it only transform the edge you mark. it doesnt create holding edges across the mesh like when you add them manually. 

    its a balancing act in the end. 

  • Jacek Zakowicz(jacekz) replied

    louhikarme thank you. Yeah I misunderstood the way it works so will have to revise part meshes in my model.