Looking for feedback for our platformer game


some months ago I posted the trailer of our WIP  game Warriorb. Now I'm happy to say that we have a quite long part of the game that is playable. If anyone is interested in trying Warriorb just comment below and ask for a key.

I've been working on this game for about 2,5 years now using Blender and UE4. I would love to hear what do you think about it.


  • Bauke Post(baukepost) replied

    WOW. Didn't expect it to look that good. Awesome job! I do think those in-game conversations could look a little bit more interesting though. I don't know much about games, but maybe jgonzalez could give some in-depth feedback.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    I remember this game from a while back when it was first posted. Looks great visually, although I haven't played it so I can't really give much feedback other than visual improvements. One thing I do see that could be improved is adding some sort of screen shake for impacts and general movement. I think it would enhance the feel in general.  Also some nice particle effects for the traps would help. Every time I see one of those stone columns fall I'm expecting some dust to fly out. 

    The character seems to look a bit "floaty". Like his animations are slower than they should be. This is all purely from the video itself, it might feel completely different when playing. I don't really have any other tips. I didn't hear any of the actual game play itself so I don't know how it sounds like either. 

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    I'd be happy to help. Not a game dev myself (yet) though so it'll just be the opinion of a standard video game player, but I suppose that could be valuable in its own way.

  • Marvin (haricsiko) replied

    Thank you all for the kind words and helpful tips!

    I'm sorry for this but the trailer now is a bit outdated. We completely reworked the dialogue system and there are other improvements. (This shows better how dialogues work now.)

    We definitely need some work with vfx and sfx that's still in progress. I will check on the main animations. I was already thinking on recreating at least the jump-land part of the animations.

    EDIT: Sorry guys I haven't notice how the pm system works now. I will send a pm with key to anyone who would like to try the game and writes me in this forum topic. Thanks!

  • Marvin (haricsiko) replied

    jgonzalez Thank you! May I ask you to have  a look at the game itself and give some more in-depth feedback?

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    hharicsiko I can do that. Send me a Steam key and I'll check it out.