What's your Playlist?

I need to drown out the world today and stay focused. What music do you listen to when its crunch time?

  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    I listen to piano concertos, mostly.  I also enjoy the Hungarian Rhapsodies.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    If I'm doing some coding or some repetitive that doesn't require deep thought I'll usually have something playing in the background. I prefer to have a TV show or movie playing, but when I do listen to music I tend to listen to a few of the same ones over and over:

    Oblivion Soundtrack (movie)


    80s Synth Music (they have a few playlists I listen to)

    Lost in Translation Soundtrack


    I actually have this soundtrack on my phone as well, great movie and loved the general vibe of the music used. It also has a nostalgia factor for me so it's extra calming and great to listen to. 

  • plasmavoyage replied


    As jgonzalez already said it depends on what sort of work I'm doing and what kind of mood I am in.
    When I'm relaxed and just trying to get something done, I will usually listen to relaxed music like

    The FatRat

    or Retro Synthwave like

    Dance with the Dead or Scandroid

    When I'm more energized and really trying to make some serious progress, I will listen to heavy metal like

    the DOOM 2016 OST (which is also great for tuning out the outside world btw, you get completely lost in those)

    or my favourite metal band Fear Factory (Demanufacture)

    And a final pro tip when working on a large project, where you want epic music that makes your heart do some serious pumping: Dark Souls 3 Main Menu OST
    I have this on my phone too and it's so amazing, I love it! :D

  • Thibaut Bourbon(tbrbn) replied

    If you have Spotify you should try the gaming and/or focus playlists. I use them all the time when in crunch.

    Good luck !

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    I usually don't listen to anything during crunch time, but most other times I'll be listening to these: https://open.spotify.com/user/1264419378/playlist/6RN7ZLeVepbJQwU2NCKLvp?si=oqUEU-h0TRutud9xgW5-fA

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    @elensanima I used to love playing a game called Frequency that had this song from Fear Factory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD2SuAn_-FE

    Here is the game in action


    One of the original music based games. 

  • Phil Osterbauer(phoenix4690) replied

    Love all the great tunes. I'm now an unstoppable force of "Get'R'Done"!! Thanks guys. So many different tastes, I have to sample them all. I think I align with how a lot of you feel. It all depends on the work at hand. I like loud and obnoxious when I need to drown out the world. Slow and relaxed when experimenting and studying. Fast and upbeat when I'm on cruze control and punching through the work. 

    This is awesome, thanks everyone! :D

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Have a bit of a general taste in music, with a bit of leaning towards rock and metal. That being said I really enjoy listening to synth music such as Carpenter Brut and Perturbator, for some reason they seem to give me the most inspiration with my projects.

    The rock and metal is mostly reserved for when I'm pumped (such as Judas Priest, Amon Amarth, Alice in Chains, Poets of the Fall to name a few), some videogame tracks as well (One of my personal favourites) do the job.

    I also like to chill out with a few genres, mostly classical (Waltz No.2 by Dmitri Shostakovich is probably my favorite piece) but some relaxed guitars can do that too (Video game tracks to save the day again). Hope this gives you something new to listen to!

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    If today, Phil, you're like, you know what, I want to listen to totally something different, something not even in my own language, so then it's really all about the music, then go ahead and search for Heroes Del Silencio - Avalancha (1995). It's one of those albums like Pearl Jam Ten, that has no waste, every track is awesome.