Where in world do you start

Hell everyone, I recently bought into CGCookie because I decided to get serious about trying to learn 3D modeling/animation. I am however having a really weird problem. Where can I or should I start? There is some much in blender to learn that even when you cut down to the main things you'd want to learn (animation or modeling for me personally) you really start to realize how much time all of this takes. I would like to finish the introduction to blender learning flow and go right into the modeling in blender flow right after, but animation is something else i'd like to do. So many options it's overwhelming. I don't want to come off whiney, I think I'm just looking for advice on the best way to start.

  • plasmavoyage replied

    My recommendation would be to really start with the basics that at first have nothing to do with animating.

    Learn how to use the tools in Blender and how to model starting with basic stuff, getting to know the 3D principles and whatnot.

    After that I would recommend going into creating and applying materials and textures onto your models so that you don't work and animate with a dull, grey model.

    Once you are through that and you feel confident, you can look into the rigging basics which will be the fundamentals for animating a lot of things.

    Rigging and animating are a bit of a higher discipline that should not be tackled before the basics are solid.

  • Bryan Hall(point) replied

    @elensanima Thank you so much, Elen!

    I had the same feeling but having someone tell me it makes me feel way more confident in it.