Well known blender users.

We all know that blender is looked down on by a significant part of the cg community. Blender artists are not taken seriousley, and they dont get the attention they deserve. 

But do we have any examples of artists who use blender, getting noticed outside the blender community?

When i say "getting noticed" i mean artists who have made some kind of name of themselves.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    There are definitely Blender artists that have made a name for themselves, and I honestly think the "Blender artists are not taken seriously" sentiment is a thing of the past at this point. Two that come to mind are: 



  • Morten Fjellheim(arev) replied

    @jlampel I know blender is getting more and more recognition from the cg comunity, but i stil hear artists doubting blenders potential cause its free.