[ENDED] BC3-1806 - June 2018 Class Homepage - Vehicle Modeling with Blender

Kent Trammell

CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #7 (July 5, 2018): BC3-1806 is officially over! The Class Wrap stream recording is available to watch and the closing post is on page 63. Please take a minute to fill out the Questionnaire 🙇🏻‍♂️

CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #6 (June 20, 2018): Week 4's stream recording has been edited together - curse you computer freeze! - and is available to watch. This is the final week of the class! Spend some time sculpting a wild and crazy vehicle design and let's finish strong 💪

Also a reminder that we will be having a 5th stream to wrap up the class on  July 3rd, so don't miss that.

CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #5 (June 20, 2018): Check out Week 3's stream recording if you missed the broadcast! I also updated Week 3's homework for those of you that want to finish your vehicle exterior.

CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #4 (June 13, 2018): Week 2's stream recording is now available to watch if you missed the broadcast. Also the additional timelapse video mentioned in the stream is available here.

CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #3 (June 11, 2018): Week 1 is done! Thanks for getting your homework submitted on time. Here's a link to the report card if you'd like to keep track of your grades throughout the class. Onward to Week 2!

CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #2 (June 6, 2018): Week 1's stream recording is now available if you missed it. Also I've secured a concept car blueprint thanks to the talented 2D/3D artist, Milen Ivanov (see page 9 of this thread to download it). This is the vehicle I'll be modeling and you're welcome to model it as well if you don't want to find your own!

CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT #1 (June 4, 2018): Class is in session! Today officially begins the BC3-1806 class. Please check the syllabus below for Week 1's focus and assignments. Begin watching the pre-recorded courses if you haven't already and begin searching for a cool vehicle you want to model. The first Live Event is tomorrow at 2pm EST - SEE YOU THERE! 😎


Vehicle model by Chris Kuhn on blendwap.com

Welcome to the CGCookie Class: Vehicle Modeling with Blender! Here by popular demand, this class is designed to be a holistic learning experience about the art of modeling vehicles. If you’re diligent in watching all content and hitting homework deadlines, by the end of the class you'll be prepared to build digital vehicles to your heart's content! This is an intermediate-to-advanced class which means you’ll do best by having some experience with Blender and 3D modeling before committing to this class.

This is the third "Class" format where Citizen members are invited to focus together on a particular topic/skill for a month. Participation looks like this:

  • RSVP and attend the Live Events
  • Watch the courses outlined below
  • Ask questions
  • Submit homework
  • Generally be active in this thread

WHEN? The class will take place from June 4th through July 2nd (ish)

✅WEEK 1: Hard Surface Primer (June 4 - 10)

Abstract: Vehicle modeling is pure hard surface modeling. Therefore it's important to be proficient with general polygon modeling techniques. This first week we're ramping into this particular modeling skillset to prepare us for the vehicle modeling extravaganza to come!

Goal of the Week: Level-up and/or dust off your hard-surface modeling skills.

Pre-recorded course to watch:

Week 1 Live Event (Remember to RSVP!)


✅WEEK 2: Vehicle Exterior Modeling (June 11 - 17)

Abstract: When I say "Imagine a vehicle" I'll bet a million dollars you're thinking about the exterior. And that's why the exterior is important. It defines everything about a vehicle's visual perception: Style, utility, purpose. This week we're going to build a vehicle exterior based on concepts like building to scale and building from blueprints.

Goal of the Week: Build the exterior of your chosen vehicle based on blueprints. This will be good practice in strict adherence to orthographic front/side/back/top view modeling.

Pre-recorded courses to watch:

Week 2 Live Event (Don't forget to RSVP)


  • Model the exterior of you chosen vehicle [post images and/or a Sketchfab embed]

✅WEEK 3: Vehicle Interior Modeling (June 18 - 24)

Model by Neubi on blendswap.com

Abstract: The insides of vehicles involve more organic, soft shapes as well as opportunity for lots of fine hard surface details. Often vehicles renders focus on the exterior where the interior can be hidden or approximated. But not in this class!

Goal of the Week: Model the interior of your chosen vehicle to gain experience with fine hard-surface details in a confined space.

Pre-recorded courses to watch: Admittedly we don't have much in this context specifically...

Week 3 Live Event (Don't forget to RSVP)


  • Model the interior of you chosen vehicle [post images and/or a Sketchfab embed]
  • OR if you didn't finish your vehicle exterior from week 2 or didn't have time to fine tune it as much as you wanted, you can choose to do that for week 3 and skip the interior. Just understand that I will grade you based on how much visible difference there is between your week 2 and week 3 submissions. In other words, if it looks like you barely did anything on your exterior for week 3 you'll get a lower grade.

✅WEEK 4: Vehicle Concept Sculpting (June 25 - July 1)

Abstract: There's another facet of vehicle modeling that doesn't involve strict adherence to blueprints. Instead, Concept Sculpting is about designing a vehicle from scratch using the artistic approach of digital sculpting. This can be an extremely fun, experimental method for creating unique vehicles.

Goal of the Week: Sculpt a vehicle exterior from scratch; Practice hard-surface sculpting techniques.

Pre-recorded courses to watch: Again we don't have much in this context specifically, but we have a couple courses that cover hard-surface sculpting in general:

Week 4 Live Event (Don't forget to RSVP)


  • Sculpt a unique concept vehicle [post images and/or a Sketchfab embed]

✅WEEK 5: Class Wrap-Up (Early July)

Also by popular demand, we'll be doing a 5th live stream to close out the class, review week 4 homework, and possibly a special guest vehicle modeling guru. Once I get confirmation on that guest I'll add the Live Event to the calendar.

Hark! June is here.

This thread is reserved for CG Cookie Citizens that are participating in the "Vehicle Modeling with Blender" class. Its purpose is to serve as central communication for all participating Citizens (excluding Hobby plan Citizens) to ask Kent and fellow participants questions and to post homework. As the instructor of the class, Kent will be monitoring this thread on a daily basis (especially Mon-Thurs) throughout the month of June to review homework and answer questions.

Free members are welcome to observe the thread but please respect that communication is reserved for Citizens.

  • Darren McBain(oboshape) replied


    really linking all the blueprints that ive seen so far, and the planes :)
    going to be a really interesting month as everyones art progresses

    Heres my submissions for this week,  

    My plane 

    and heres my primitive Abomonation

    My Primitive Wardrobe


    and for my project, ive gone for an old skool 'Hillman Imp' car.  mainly as its the first car i learned to drive in during the 80s as thats what my old man had :)

  • lollito_larkham replied



    here my recent submissions.


    I prepared my blueprints in photoshop, to align verticaly and horizontaly and export layer as images,
    I prepared my scene in blender, at the right size.
    I collected references also.

    I will model the base by edge modeling, then add separate pieces, probably with nurbs modeling, or at least have a try.
    I'm mostly an edge modeler instead of box modeler.
    Before all, i like to have a first round of collect and watching references, before tweaking first vertices.

    The picture below shows the two parts assembled, and at the bottom it is the lower part alone (upper right image).

  • Eyad Lotfy(yoddathehunter) replied

    Homework Submission Week 1

    Simple airplane: https://skfb.ly/6zD6q 

    Model with Primitives:  https://cgcookie.com/exercise_submissions/14440 (Model removed)

    1991 Range Rover.

    I just searched google not sure if I had to obtain it from the search results of CC.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Think I need to practice quite a bit more before attempting to model the exterior because I'm getting stumped already, just on the bonnet/hood. Upon closer inspection my blueprints seem slightly skewed too but that's possibly common and not a problem. Not quite sure where to go from here but I guess my best bet would be one of the vehicle tutorials.

    Just to be certain though is a blueprint being crookedly drawn aka not perfectly symmetrical gonna be a problem? Or should I find another?

    'Cause I'll be honest, I haven't the faintest idea as to where I should start, which parts should be separate, how to deal with multiple angles of the blueprints. Maybe I bit off more than I can chew, but hopefully the next stream will give me an idea. 

  • lollito_larkham replied

    Hello, if deformations are too much prononced in the blueprint, it can be problematic.
    You can always taking acount of only one side (right or left) to establish your model, and ignoring the other  side of mirror.
    But sometimes it's not enough if deformations are too big. You have to adapt, find references or change blueprint.
    I always check my blueprints inside photoshop before importing in blender, and also make my own if needed and if i got lot of references. As you can see above; i took different references, sized them and aligned them in photoshop and assembled in illustrator into one image.
    I used the deformation tool in photoshop to match the wireframe design reference with the one just under (éclaté), using layer transparency, because the scans deformed the images if you don't take care.

  • Bauke Post(baukepost) replied

    Hey guys, just finished my rough blockout, which was very challenging. I'd like to know if you've got any ideas on how I could improve it, especially the "dashboard"area.

    Sketchfab link: https://sketchfab.com/models/d1675c7356a540118ceadbc836785602

    Concept art: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/JPeXv

  • Thibaut Bourbon(tbrbn) replied

    baukepost I also find the blockout part to be the most difficult, especially finding the right balance between "not to detailled yet" and "too basic primitive".

    You did a really good work, it was worth the challenge! Few comments, feel free to take them into account or not :) :

    - add holding components to the rear part of the cover frame 

    - the "what-would-be-the-fuel-tank-if-this-was-a-motorcylcle" could be elaborated a just a tiny bit more: more curve perhaps ?

    Aside from that (and I think I'm being a bit picky), you should be able to have a lot of fun detailling this from this blockout!

  • Bauke Post(baukepost) replied

    tbrbn I'm not completely sure what you ment with those two tips (my bad for not having enough English skills), would you mind explaining it a bit more?

  • Thibaut Bourbon(tbrbn) replied

    baukepost My english is far from perfect as well, we got lost in translation :D So a picture is always worth a thousand word, I'll try to make myself understood:

    - "add holding components to the rear part of the cover frame" is the red circle: for the moment you have it floating, I thought you could already add connection to the rest of the vehicle body, as you did in the front (blue circle). That way all the components seems to blend in with each other, and your vehicle will have more flow.

    - "the "what-would-be-the-fuel-tank-if-this-was-a-motorcylcle" could be elaborated a just a tiny bit more: more curve perhaps ?" is the orange circle. The arrow points to a face that look very flat. I admit that in the reference it's also kind of flat, but maybe  think about giving it more curves. Below is an fuel tank of an "old-school" motorcycle, I tried to show you with the arrows what kind of curvature you can think about if you want to also give more flow to your vehicle.

  • Bauke Post(baukepost) replied

    tbrbn I understand now, thanks! Very valuable feedback.

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    Homework Submission Week 1

    Simple airplane - https://skfb.ly/6z9Gt

    Well as somewhere already mentioned here, I found this exercise rather hard and quite time consuming. Although learnt really a lot from it, regarding the Sketchfab model I was not able to export somehow the rivets around the pilot cabin (anyway which technique applied by Jonathan Williamson is so unique, never seen before!), in summary around in 90% was able to follow the tutorial which felt itself as success.

    Reference/Blue print image - amongst the game toys found this yellow taxi and thought it could be an interesting base, although probably will be too hard for my skills. Inspite of that would go with it as it inspires visually

    Model with primitives exercise - as anyway the main parts of the taxi will need to be considered, tried to build already this from primitives, good practice was at least in the mind

  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    I've been exploring different possibilities for the tank's hover thrusters in my block out.  Which one do you like best?  From which one will I learn the most?  I can't upload .blend files here, so here's the link.


  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    tbrbn "I also find the blockout part to be the most difficult, especially finding the right balance between "not to detailled yet" and "too basic primitive"".

    Amen to that, the block-out is finicky. Anyone else found box modeling to be unfitting for their car? 

    I went on with edge modeling, it was hard to get the curves needed out of a box this time. But with edge by edge extrusion, I find the modeling gets muddy really fast, you have to pull every single vertex to get the shape and the surface goes all wobbly. 

    I went with the first car I ever had, it served faithfully for almost ten years and I always wanted to model it. Turning out harder than I thought.


  • Kent Trammell replied

    thecabbagedetective Really nice work on the airplane! You really made that pop in your renders. You did fine with the primitive exercise too. The Rolls Royce limousine makes me think of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh from the "Wild Wild Country" netflix series. That to say, good choice.

    It's an A for the week 👍

  • Kent Trammell replied

    dostovel It's all about the edge modeling! I'll be doing a bunch of it during Tuesday's stream. 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    jjaredkohrt Lot's of fun stuff to look at. Great work this week. I've not seen a primitive exercise like yours - way to think outside the box.  Cool character with your side project. I dig it. And you found a rare interior shot of your vehicle! Good find.

    You've earned an A in my book this week.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    benkroft Welcome back to this clan of Blenderheads. It doesn't look like you've taken a break from Blender for a year. The plane and primitive exercise are both well done. And you went a step further with the Orb exercise. I gotta give you an A+ for the week. I look forward to seeing your corolla take shape!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    panboy Everything is looking good. It's an A for this week's homework. Is the  Cosmo Type Zero a real jet? I love the design! It's interesting that the landing gear wheels are shorter than that bottom tail fin 🤔

  • Kent Trammell replied

    williamatics I can't see the interior on the sketchfab model, buuuuut...I believe you 🤓  It's an A in my book this week 👍

    Are you planning to model a unique tank by modifying the one in the blueprint?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    oboshape haha primitive "abomonation"? Looks like a convincing piece of furniture to me. Nice job on your plane as well and phenomenal job with the reference! You're plenty prepared for modeling your old school car 👌 A+