Problem with sculpting

Hello I was doing the masic sculpting exercise and while trying to dig the mouth I run int othe problem you can see on the attached picture. The more I was digging the more it appeared. smoothing it helped a bit but really spammed my mesh with tons of verteses. I think that I smoothed my whole mesh too much too soon.

What is the cause of the mesh distortion problem like this. How can I avoid / fix it?

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey Stanislav, I remember Kent talked about this recently in one of his classes - @theluthier do you remember which one? 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Hi Stanislav - Lampel is right, this is a common dyntopo sculpting issue that I run into and have explained in several videos but can't remember which one exactly. Here's a gif explaining the fix:

    1. The bubble-like artifacts come from the "subdivide edges" mode because it preserves toplogy finer than the detail size. And usually I see these bubbles appear when using the inflate brush specifically.
    2. To fix, switch to "subdivide collapse" and optionally bump up the detail size for broader topology generation. This way when you stroke over the problem area, dyntopo will regenerate the topology. And when you jump back and forth between inflate and the smooth brush, the geometry should sort itself out again.
    3. Then you can go back to "subdivide edges" mode and continue sculpting.