Please meet the 69'r

  • knuckelhead replied


  • Dolores 74 (dolores74) replied


  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied
    I thought of the Prince of Persia games when I saw those pants. I don't know why. That sister is going to be trouble, I can see it.
  • Dolores 74 (dolores74) replied

    Hi Omar,

    Mouse knows nothing about games. But you are right, the overall idea is not mine. This is what I met on the net. I figured, got to have a mouse like that. The only suitable nr. for her is 69.  Don’t know what to do with her, the way I made her is not animatable.  Everything has a multiresolution modifier for sculpturing. She has 1.5 milj vertices. You have to make a start somewhere to end up with something entirely different in the end. If I can’t doodle around, no new beauty will be born.

    There are a lot of predators out there who have mice on their menu, because they love it.

    This is my rule of thumbs : If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun :-)

  • killer-wolf replied
    wasn't sure what to expect from that title.
  • Dolores 74 (dolores74) replied

    Just another mouse sister   :-)

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    looks like "A Clockwork Orange" influence in photo...

  • Erik Meyers(valevorena) replied
    Now, when is the 49'er going to happen?
  • Dolores 74 (dolores74) replied

    As far as I know a bit about ‘The States’, 49’ers have something to do with the gold rush in California but I don’t remember what exactly. So I’ve asked Google and this is my homework :

    The first people to rush to the goldfields, beginning in the spring of 1848, were the residents of California themselves. "forty-eighters", as the earliest gold-seekers were sometimes called, were able to collect large amounts of easily accessible gold, in some cases, thousands of dollars’ worth each day.

    By the beginning of 1849, word of the Gold Rush had spread around the world, and an overwhelming number of gold-seekers and merchants began to arrive from virtually every continent and those people were called the 49'ers.

    Source of my research

    So the 49're should be a guy, covered with golden jewelry. I think of something in the style of Mr. T of the A-Team.

    49'er also is a jeans label so my brother should also wear a jeans. But in that case I have to contact 49'er to be sponsored.

    The 40’s are already assigned to the ninjas and the samurai, the protectors of the nest. I already have Peter 40 and Dolores 47.

    (The 30’s are the builders, I already have the triplet 33 who are the carpenters.)

    So, I can extend the 40’s with Peter 49 with golden weapons and some golden chains. Maybe also a Peter 48 perhaps.

    Awesome tip Erik, thanks.

    It’s a pity that for the 69’er  I have to go back to the drawing board. I was caught cheating by Mark and Omar :-(