Feedbacks and Crtics on my model

hey guys,

Based on the title you probably already know what it is. I need some feedbacks for my latest model :). so here it is

  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    I think the most obvious problem with this model is that the legs look like they're made of wood.  You should try giving it real hair (If that's what you wanted it to look like).

  • Arfri Wardhono(arfree) replied

    ahh yess.... i thought i could get away with that one... hahah yeah i need some more practice on that area. Thanks for the comment!

  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    You're welcome!

  • Don Newman(gothicbunny) replied

    The claws look a bit like plastic. They don't really show any shadows so I'm guessing they are emitting light? They don't seem bright enough to be lighting anything else and losing any surface texture since the light is even across the surface. You could try making a separate light source inside of them glowing through a semi-transparent material. Or you could just go with something similar to the spikes on the back to help it fit in more with the rest of the creature design.

    The red underlighting is awesome, but the ground lighting seems a bit blown out in comparison. If the ground was a bit more like the burning ember branch on his right would be more consistent with that type of red glow lighting him up.

    Good topology on the model overall, but the flow through the knees seems a little off. Not sure how much that will impact things once you cover them up with fur though.

    That said, it still looks awesome.