Dedicating GPU and CPU

I know in the past I have come across videos that discuss how to change settings on your computer to give one specific program ( such as Unity or Blender ) all the processing power of your GPU and CPU. Haplessly I have been unable to find those videos. Could anyone link me to their favorite video on this topic? Thank you in advance! 

  • Eduardo Abreu(eduo) replied

    Hello! I don't know if this is what you're asking but in windows, you can set the priority of a program in the task manager, clicking with the right button you can set the priority to high. I don't know in unity, but in blender you can choose to render with gpu or cpu in the settings, i think they teach this in the middle of a tutorial, i remember changing this setting in the jellyfish course.

    Ps. If you're using windows 10, you have to got to the tab "details" in the task manager.

    Hope it helps! Sorry if i made any mistakes, english is not my main language.

    Here's a wikihow explaining what i'm talking

  • silentheart00 replied

    Also, make sure your render settings are dedicating resources towards your renders in tandem to the above.  So under Render Settings->Performance->Threads, you can set it to Auto-detect or Fixed.  I think Auto-detect is on by default, so if there are any open threads, Blender will use them.  Or you can hard code it to use 8 threads at all times.  I think this in tandem with the above will help.

    Check out this article to speed up your render times.