Rigify Main Properties Not There


I’m having problems with Rigify. The “Rig Main Properties” are not there. No IK/FK switching and other items are also missing. I’ve tried re-installing Blender, I’ve tried empty rigs and other things. Auto Run Python scripts is on. I’ve noticed that other people who have had this problem and some where able to fix it with the rig_ui.py script re run or appended to their file. I’ve tried that as well. No luck. I’d attach my file, but I don't see how to do it here, any ideas? Thanks.

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    IK/FK switch is not part of the rig it is a thing that must be added to the bones as is the IK/FK constraint...

    in other words it is not part of rigify as such...


    maybe have a look at this?

    hope this helps...

  • danpro replied

    Rigify uses python scripts. You need to have auto run python scripts enabled in user preferences or reload the file as "trusted". (This warning should show in the header when loading a file that uses python scripting and Auto Run is disabled.)

    Edit: I'm not sure what the issue could be. Is the rig ui py script in the file with the generated rig? You could try uploading the file to pasteall .org There is a tab for blends. Once uploaded, just paste the url here so we can download the file and take a look.

    Good luck!

  • Paul Goodrich(pauldgoodrich) replied

    Thanks for your suggestions, this is so frustrating. I have auto run python scripts enabled. I looked at the video you referenced and he creates the rig and those items are there. I also don't get any error messages. How can I upload my blend file and some screen shots to show you what's going on?

  • Paul Goodrich(pauldgoodrich) replied

    This is what I get

  • Paul Goodrich(pauldgoodrich) replied

    This is what is shown in the CG Cookie rigging video

  • Paul Goodrich(pauldgoodrich) replied

    Here's what python shows

  • Paul Goodrich(pauldgoodrich) replied

    Here's what python shows

  • danpro replied

    Upload to http://pasteall.org/  and then paste the link to your file here.

  • danpro replied

    I only have one more guess at what the issue could be, without seeing a file. 

    Have you selected a bone in the armature/rig? You need to actually click on one, not just select all with the A hotkey. The python code in the ui script needs a click to run the "is selected" code and that code is what determines which properties are displayed in the Rig Main Properties panel.

    I hope you get it figured out.

    Good luck!

  • Paul Goodrich(pauldgoodrich) replied

    Well, I'm an idiot. I put this down to me being somewhat of a newbe in Blender. danpro has the right idea. What happens is the rig is smart enough to only display the ik/fk switch when I select something in the rig that requires it. So the rig main properties options change depending on what's selected in the rig. Simple but not what I was used to. Thanks everyone for your help.

  • danpro replied

    You are not an idiot. Blender is not the most forgiving software and Rigify generates a complicated rig.

    Glad you got it sorted.