Blender cycles material are not working in sketchfab

is there any other place to upload blender's cycle model.

  • silentheart00 replied

    How are you uploading the materials?  Are you using the plugin, or uploading on the website?  Give us a breakdown of the process to help understand your problem better.

  • shubham tripathi(shubhamaman) replied

    I tried both he ways firstly by using the Addon and then directly on the website.

    First Attempt:-

    1.selcted the model in the viewport .

    2.Fill the various fields provied by the File/Io (sketchfab Addon) option likeTitle ,description,tag.

    3.paste the API key, and click on the upload

    4.and all i get is greyed out model in the sketchfab(no material applied that i used in blender's cycle render).

    5.I can even see my materials in sketchfab's 3D setting menu.

    6. I have not used any texture map here...except procedural texture like voronoi and wave.

    7.Link to sketchfab:-

    Second Attempt:-

    1.Exported to Wavefront(.obj) in the viewport.

    2.went to Sketchfab Website and Uploaded the OBJ and MTL file that i generated in step 1.

    3. but again the same result.

    4 Link :-

    I  search for this on internet and people are saying that sketchfab  doesn't support Blende's Cycle material...if it is there any  other option to uplaod the model

  • shubham tripathi(shubhamaman) replied

    this is my model's snapshot.