The fluid sim and scale?

I've been making an animation that needs a watersplash, and I'm having a really hard time making the fluid sim behave. I'm making a very large scene where something splashes into the ocean, so I figured I'd keep it to scale like I usually do. But the water I made end up looking too thick, or big, like if the the scene is actually much smaller. I did some fluid sims tests before that turned out looking pretty nice, so now I'm thinking that the resolution of the bake needs to be higher the bigger the fluid domain is to get good results? If that's the case I might be able to simulate it at a smaller worldsize since it's not a super closeup shot, and get away with using a lower resolution for the bake? Right now I'm baking it at 300, I tried 200 before and it was still too chunky and with very little detail, don't think I can go much higher. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knows how to get the scale to look right with the water sim?

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey Daniel, unfortunately the current fluid sim doesn't work well for large scale splashes. I've tried every which way, but it's just too old. Luckily, it's being updated to a system that will work much better.