Jumping in the vertical area effector

The only way I can get up to the next platform with the vertical Area Effector is by hitting Jump when I'm in mid-air (while in its collider area), resulting in a "rocket-boost" like effect. It seems like some things have changed since Unity 5 (hence, the Surface Effectors not working on the robot either). Is being able to jump in mid-air just a result of the robot's controls?

Thanks for the course! Keep up the great work as always.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    I believe this may just be the robot affecting those types of physics. When you jump the robot controller utilizes basic physics to allow it to fall naturally with gravity and when that happens it's susceptible to those types of effectors, but when grounded it prevents any additional movement not caused by the player. 

    I had issues like that even when this course was published. You can test things out with a basic object that has a 2d rigidbody and 2d collider to determine if the robot is the issue, or the effectors.