finished project

It's not exaclty as I wanted. I find the reflections annoying, but I don't know how to diminish them. Also the mountains aren't as good as the example. The mist also not exactly as I hoped. I had another sky photo. But I enjoyed the streams and found it very educational (got tons of landscapes I now want to make 1 day) 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Congrats on finishing the project! And thank you for sharing. You're the first completion I've seen 👏

  • sheila5 replied

    thanks :)

    I was also hoping for more shares. Btw is it possible to use evee nodes also for the clouds (without a paid addon)?

    I also rendered it for fun on cycles. Took a lot longer to render and the result was rather sparkly and shiny . The difference with evee is noticible in lag. also the mist and the blur has dissapeared on cycles. So I like evee a lot more now

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Yes I think Eevee could definitely hand clouds well (without paid addons). Especially given the nebulae trend that's developed lately.

    Nice job rendering in Cycles too! Eevee has already spoiled me with it's speed 😅