Edge Subdivision

I have an issue when I subdivide the edges of my straight objects as per 4:10 in the video. There are large portions of mesh that don't get subdivided and remain the same as before subdividing. I see that the extra vertices are placed but they aren't joined by an edge.

Blender 2.80RC3

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Do you have all mesh components selected when performing the subdivide operation?

    Also if you could post a screenshot that'd be helpful.

  • ammonite3d replied

    I think i had a similar issue. I had to cut al engones (faces with more than 4 vertecies) into quads. Then i subdivided it again. I guess you can't subdivide engons.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Ah interesting. I guess that makes sense. Thanks for answering aammonite3d!