Removing x mirror of lock?

Did I miss where we removed the lock on the back of the chest due to the mirror modifier? From what I can see it just disappeared at some point during the metal timelapse or the wood detailing.

  • Oneironauts (classicd3v) replied

    He skipped fixing this problem. It's fairly simple to fix, you can remove the mirror modifier and duplicate one of the side metal pieces and place it in the center at the back of the chest.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Indeed I seem to have skipped recording that part. I've since added a quick addendum video about fixing it.

  • prodigious replied

    Thank you! I appreciate it. I figured out a few potential ways to do it but it's always helpful to see another perspective in case I may not be taking something else into account or doing more work than I need to.