Dimensions between object mode and edit mode inconsistent.

posted to: Units and Snapping

If I scale a plane primitive mesh in object mode at 4 feet using the dimension panel and then go into edit mode and use the mesh display -edge info, the dimensions read out at 2'x2'?.  I have the units set for feet/imperial. If I subdivide the plane into 16 quads, each one measures 6" x 6" or overall 2'x2' .When I go back into object mode, the plane measures 4'x4'.  This is very confusing to me. I would think that the dimensions ought to be consistent between object mode and edit mode.  What am I doing wrong? Please help.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Oh, interesting! You're not doing anything wrong, it looks like the edge length is only accurate when the scale of the object is 1x1x1. You can reset it at any time by pressing Ctrl+A. I think this would be worth reporting here: https://devtalk.blender.org/c/user-feedback