Alt clicking auto texture space & Scale XYZ doesn't work for me - alternate way?

Hi Kent - I'm using blender 2.796.  Alt clicking auto texture space and scale XYZ doesn't work for me. Is there another way to quickly disable auto texture space and scale XYZ for all selected objects without disabling and scaling them one by one?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    ALT + click drag should work in Blender sure you're doing it right? If it's not working the only way to do it for all objects at once is using a bit of python scripting 😕

  • Cindy Suen(cindysuen) replied

    I figured why it's not working, I had my emulate 3 button mouse enabled in user preferences. The alt click drag worked when I turned that setting off. 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Ok great - glad you figured it out!