Applicable to Blender 2.8?

Hi! I was wondering if this course is still relevant for Blender 2.8 users. I would like to learn animation using a new Blender version but I'm not sure if the changes in the interface  will make it hard to follow this course. Perhaps you are considering of creating a new animation course based on the updated version? Thanks!

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    The UI will change, but the content is 'Animation'.

    That will never change ;)
  • mystical-sister replied

    Thought so!  Thank you for answering :) 

    I also noticed that some courses in CG Cookie are / were used in live classes. Considering that animation tutorials have been there for a while,  have there been any live - online classes for Blender animation or any future plans for similar activities? Sorry for all these questions, just checking if this would be the right fit  :)

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    There will probably be live animation classes in the future, but nothing just yet.

    You should start with the animation bootcamp, but make sure you post your work if you want to improve ;)