Is there a better way to position the 3D cursor besides creating a new vertex?

I had to hit the brakes on this one... you positioned the 3D cursor for the purpose of adding the mirror modifier by creating a new vertex. That feels a little convoluted. Is there any other way to achieve this? Perhaps it's just a limitation of Blender, and maybe if the cursor was selectable (weird, yeah), it could make sense. (In fact, why not make the cursor selectable!!!.... with a hotkey to override that ability :))

Maybe it's a well-known trick... but I paused... rewound... did some searching, scratched my head, and then the "ahhhhh.. I see" sunk in.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I think I know the trick you're talking about. Sometimes I will either extrude or duplicate a vertex and move it to where I want to snap the 3D cursor. It's the most precise method I've found for snapping the cursor exactly where I want it to be, in this case for establishing origin location. While we can't select the 3d cursor as if it were an object we can place it wherever we want with our mouse. Sometimes that's good enough but in this situation I needed it to be precisely placed. That requires an extra step or two.

    I personally don't know of a less convoluted way to do it. As you continue learning computer graphics and Blender, you'll find that there's always several ways to skin a catIf you can find a better way to do it, do it! Then share with us :)