[SOLVED]Tail Double Rotation not working as intended

posted to: Rigging a Dog

Hi Kent, when I rigged the tail with the double rotation as you did, it didn't work as no rotation was applied when i rotated the tail ctrl.  However after playing around with the settings, I checked 'invert' under each of the axis in the copy rotation modifier and it worked.  But I don't understand why??

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I wonder if your deformation bone's axis is opposite of the control bone. That could explain why inverting it would be a solution. You can turn on bone axes visibility in the Armature data properties under display.

  • Luke Jarrett(mrhuffnpuff) replied

    Yep, you're right, the axis were opposed to each other.  Thank you I understand now.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Awesome! Usually my rigging fix suggestions have only a 5-ish% success rate :)

  • Derek Chestnut(dbchest) replied

    I encountered this problem as well during this exercise; how is it that I would be able to manually align these axis?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    @dbchesties I believe you want to "roll" the bone with CTRL + R in armature edit mode. You can hit CTRL + R + 9+ 0 if you want to roll it 90 degrees specifically, and so on.