How do I get from the first video to the second?

It seems like the second video (Editing Multi-Object UV Sets) misses a lot of info

How do I show only these wheels?

How did he assign the materials to the objects?

What am I missing here? Is there another video I should be watching before diving into this one?


  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey dutzi , I believe I just had the other objects hidden (select the wheels, Ctrl+I to invert selection, H to hide) so that we could focus on the wheels, but the operations can still be performed with the rest of the truck visible as well. You can also use the eye icon in the outliner or select the wheels and hit / on the numberpad to go into local view. 

    I assigned the materials through the material tab in the properties editor. If you need a quick refresher on materials, I'd recommend checking out our fundamentals course:

    An even faster way to do that though is to select all the objects that you want to be the same material, select the object that has the material you want to be copied to all the others in order to make it the active object, and choose Copy Material to Others in the dropdown next to the + and - buttons in the material properties. 

    Hope that helps; happy texturing! 

  • Eldad Bercovici(dutzi) replied

    Cool! Thank you for the detailed and quick response!