I did something

posted to: Body Blockout II

Hey. I did something probably by accident and now I have this...

so my brush is working kinda with delay? Is starting to work on the end of the orange line. What is that and how to turn that off ?


  • smurfmier1985 replied

    dragonice69 Hi! You probably turned on the 'smooth stroke' option by accident. Then the strike lags behind the mouse to make smoother strokes.

    Here's some documentation about different stroke setting: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/sculpt_paint/stroke_curve.html#stroke

    There you also have a screenshot of where the checkbox is to turn it off.

    Hope this solves your problem!

    Also would like to say that in my experience you get quicker answers when you ask them in the forum, because those posts are much easier to find 😊