No Standard Assests

posted to: Putting it Together

Hi there,

Unfortunately my install of Unity didn't install the assests. I have reviewed forums to figure out how to get them (ie., run installer and select additional content, select Standard Assests in download window which takes me to file not found.)

Anyway, I don't know how to get the standard assests but I enjoyed this tutorial series, so thank you for that!! Looking forward to seeing what else the Unity section on CG Cookie has to offer.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    Hey Ben, it looks like in the latest version of Unity 2018.2 and above they removed them from the install as they are building them. Here is what they mention:

    Standard Assets replacement

    We have removed the 5.0 version of standard assets from the Installer in 2018.2 and are working on replacement packages for each part of the former prototyping pack. The first package (Standard Assets: Characters) will be available as a Preview soon after the 2018.2 release. It will contain a First-Person and Third-Person Controller integrated with Cinemachine, as well as a prototyping environment built with Probuilder. For details, watch for a blog post on the subject in the coming weeks. For those of you who need the legacy 5.0 package, it will remain on the Asset store.

    You can still download essentially the same standard assets package from the asset store here: