2.79 Symmetrize instead of Mirror

posted to: Armature Edit Mode

As of Jun 27 the an issue with mirror stated in previous comments is still present.

When after duplicating the left (users right from the front viewing angle) all duplicated bones recieve new suffixes after the side prefix (ex. arm.000.L.000).

To alleviate this issue, after naming the bones on the left side, and before you would duplicate the bones follow these steps with bone selected in EDIT MODE;

1. Assign side by using the 'Armature' menu and the 'Autoname Left/Right'

2. Press 'W' in the 3D viewport to bring up the specials context menu, and select "Symmetrize" or press 'Y' with the context menu still open.

And that's it.

Sorry for the repeated information, I just personally struggled with this longer than I'd have liked so I'm hoping this will help someone else. I sourced all the information from other comments to this video.

At least until 2.8 is released.

1 love
  • Kent Trammell replied

    I'm sorry to hear about the confusion. Thanks so much for taking the time to share this information for others 🙇🏻‍♂️

  • Ross Barefoot(thirddimension) replied
    Thanks for the correction Travis!
  • Paul Haynes(paulhaynes1955) replied

    Thanks. That was giving me fits for hours before I checked here. Should check sooner in the future :)

  • odunov replied

    Thanks for the instructions!

  • diskettedreams replied

    Thanks for this! Had some serious confusion for a minute.

  • Bhavesh Patel(ryzen7) replied

    Thanks for the suggestion Travis.

  • Cory Petkovsek(tinmanjuggernaut) replied

    Thanks! This also fixes the naming in 2.8.

  • Trevor Simpson(biohazard2015) replied

    Argh... just found this after renaming like 10-15 bones by hand to remove the extra three digits... could we throw an edit into the recording as I've seen in other tutorials to cover Blender version updates? Thanks

    PS wouldn't it be great if they could add copy/paste into right click context menu forn naming objects in the Outliner in addition to all of the Ctrl + C & Ctrl + V.

    PPS Also if you accidentally erase the name of the bone (backspace before deselcting all the text in the name with a cursor click), rather than reverting to 'bone' as a default could it not just default to what it was before the edit? Which is what 'Escape' does, I learned one rename before the end.