Shading is hard?

posted to: Shader Polish

All of the videos that involve working with shaders kinda feel like it's going in one ear and out the other for me. Is this part meant to be copy and pasted or am I just dumb when it comes to working with these nodes?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    With CGC content, unless otherwise noted, the copy-and-paste method of teaching is a no-no for us. We don't believe in that method. We always say it's better to teach the why over the how.

    That said, being an advanced course, the shader creation demonstration here does assume the viewer knows a bit about creating materials. If you find this info going over your head, I recommend starting with these courses in order:

    1 love
  • Bryan Hall(point) replied

    Ahh, thank you! I did go through the fundamentals but I missed the shader forge and the texturing a stylized character. Iv been mostly following the modeling learning flow so those flew by me I suppose.

  • rjk337 replied

    Hey Kent,

    Is the Shader Forge still relevant with 2.8 release? I'm also kind of lost with all this shader stuff, only having completed the beginner learning flows on mesh modelling.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    @raijkeraijke Yes shader forge is still relevant in my opinion. Mostly because the shaders are for Cycles and very little has changed with Cycles. Conceptually, all shader forge lessons are applicable in Blender 2.8. The UI is different but the concepts remain unchanged.