What should I do if Blender does not repeat my last used inset/bevel settings? Is there any way to change this in the preferences?

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey Kavern, I found out after recording that it only saves the settings if you tweak them manually after confirming. Try insetting or beveling and then adjust the amount after from the toolbar or F6 menu. That should do it! 

  • mavener replied

    @jlampel Does this work in 2.8? Because for me not even the manual tweaing helped.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    mmavener If you use CTRL-B to bevel, it remembers the number of cuts last used.

    If after confirming the Bevel you change any of the settings in the popup on the bottom left of the 3D view (which you might have to open), or by pressing F9 (used to be F6), it will remember those changes as well. The only thing it doesn't 'remember' is the Width of the Bevel.

  • mavener replied

    Thanx. Yes it seems it rememebers the segments and profile. But it ignores widht and the checkboxes below.

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    Yeah F6 has now been replaced by F9. I keep forgetting that to a point of annoyance.

    Shift+R also repeats the very last action and can also come in handy.