hi. how to change to that my setting staying the same like in the video? Every time i'm pressing "I" i need to adjust my settings over again. It's pretty annoying. Thank You

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey Wiktoria, Blender will save your settings if you first hit enter and then second input a precise value in the toolbar operator or F6 panel. Hope that helps! 

  • Sherie (sherie) replied

    Hi Jonathan, 

    I am having the same issue. Even after manually entering 0.005 into the thickness field, it does not remember it the next time I inset. (Blender v2.79) I have to manually enter every time :(

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    ssherie I'm stumped on this as well. I know that this worked on the version I used to record the course, but for some reason I can't get it to work in 2.79b either. I'm not finding a setting that changes this behavior unfortunately, but I'll continue to investigate.