extrude individual doesnt work on my subdivided box in edit mode (?) not sure what ive missed.

posted to: The Extrude Tool
  • Kyle Manning(kylemanning) replied

    My original comment is down below.  However, I was wrong.  It is possible in 2.8 - as in the video instructions, if you click ALT-E, you should see a menu for extruding along individual faces.  Also, you can find the same options in the "Face" menu at the top of the window.  


    Mark, I'm having the same problem.  I did notice though that if I select two different faces that are not connected by adjacent edges that I can get the faces to extrude along their own face normals

    1.  I selected "normal" from transform orientation at top of 2.8 window

    2. I selected"individual origin" from pivot point

    3.  while extruding, you may have to click the axis key to change the direction (x,y,z)

    Anyway, this showed a little bit of hope.