How is he rotating the bones while still in weight paint mode? I can't seem to do that.

posted to: Weight Painting

Also when he's weight painting it's mirroring on both sides of the body, how is he doing that?

  • Colin (colinkeller) replied

    I solved this by shift right clicking on the bones while in weight paint mode. Still working on how to mirror the weight painting.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    The mirror modifier is what enables weight painting to be mirrored to the other side. It has to be in the proper order in the modifier stack to work correctly though.

  • kevin tan(vitamizrpofessionalseries750) replied

    Hi, I can't rotate the bones either, is there a solution to this?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Hi vvitamizrpofessionalseries750 did you see the answer above?