Hair generation placement is way off! Why is the hair clumping up off the centre of the mesh when children spiral is selected?

Hi! For some reason the hair is clumping off-centre of the mesh rather than being distributed all around it. Do you have any idea why this could be?

I'm using the pre-built scene and have just added the interpolated spiral children (a couple of minutes into the video). Any help would be appreciated :)

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Whoa, interesting effect! I'm not sure if I've seen that before. Are all your vertex groups empty for the particle system? It could be that the density group got assigned to clump or kink settings by accident. 

  • Adam Beddall(beddalla) replied

    Thanks for the reply - I suppose it is quite interesting haha! The vertex groups are empty I'm afraid. It's really bizarre, I haven't actually done much to the startup file. So far all I've done is add the particle system to the mesh, change the grass colour to green and then added the spiralled children.

    Not quite sure what to do, it seems to spiral round the slight lump on the mesh. I've started again from scratch a couple of times and it keeps happening so I'm stuck in a loop! Here is the file if you/anyone is interested:

  • Jonathan Lampel replied
    I'm really not sure why (it must be a bug), but if you add just a tiny amount of random velocity it fixes itself 🤔
  • Adam Beddall(beddalla) replied

    Wow you're totally right!

    Thanks so much for figuring it out Jonathan! :D

  • Peter Moldovia(petermoldovia) replied

    I'm using Blender 3.1 and had this issue.

    What worked for me was editing the ground plane. Select random vertices and move them up or down slightly along the z.