Using substance painter

if I wanted to take these assets into substance painter in a single file, since they are sharing UV space, how would you suggest setting up the assets within the file? My thought is to put all of the assets in the 0,0 location overlapping each other, applying a separate material to each to identify each piece, then while in substance painter I could then solo each piece to work on. And for finer detail if needed, apply materials to each piece within each asset, giving it unique names like “Bridge - rail” allowing me to isolate that specific piece within substance. I know this could be pretty daunting within substance but it’s the only logical way I can think of. What do you think the best approach would be? 

Thanks for your time,


  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey Jesse, giving each one a separate material would unfortunately make it a huge hassle to combine the textures back into one map. Personally I would just place them all next to each other in a row with a little space in between, and apply the same material to all of them. For the different pieces that you'd want to have different properties, use folders with masks instead. This course covers that workflow a bit more.

  • Jesse Smith(jtsmith) replied

    Thanks Jonathan for the reply. While I mentioned adding a separate material for each item, I was only referring to doing that within Blender. By assigning a different material and exporting the FBX of all parts into Substance Painter, SP see's the separate materials as simply loose parts of the same texture space which would/should allow me to use a single texture image for all meshes within the same FBX. By separating all the meshes by material (loose parts) would/should make it smoother to run in Substance because you can solo each piece by loose part.

