original model with colored loops?

posted to: Model a Husky Puppy


I'm taking this course (currently at the house building part) because I want to create animals in 3D and this is the only course/tutorial I found about it (which is about topology too and not regular sculpt). I was hoping for a step by step video for the Husky as well, so I could keep referring to it for good topology in any of my animals projects. 

would it be possible to get your original model with the loops colored? so I can refer to that file anytime I need to?

that would be so helpful! 

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hi Govy, I can't give out the model since that would make it way too easy to cheat the exercise, but if you are modeling animals and find yourself stuck, feel free to post about it in the community and @ mention me so I get a notification to come help out. Hopefully by the end of the exercise you'll be able to make your own reference to refer to :) 

  • govy govy(weirdrubikscube) replied

    what about references images with loops? like you posted here: https://cgcookie.com/questions/6705-could-you-supply-a-more-detailed-sketch

    I'd like to see the limbs/body loops really. would be so helpful for any future projects.

  • govy govy(weirdrubikscube) replied

    or alternatively, make the Instructor Notes video available for download.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey Govy, at the moment I'm a bit too focused on another project to come back to this one and color the loops and render it out just yet, but I did make the instructor notes ready for download. Hope that helps! 

  • govy govy(weirdrubikscube) replied

    thank you ! :)

  • govy govy(weirdrubikscube) replied

    I just finished the cartoon head and I'll try my hand on the husky starting to day. is it okay to skip the gun lessons? maybe I'll watch them later but won't follow along, no interest in making guns (yet).

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Sure, work at whatever pace or order you'd like! That's the beauty of online learning.