FBX vs OBJ and AOs

1. Why FBX over OBJ?

2. Not sure I am understanding, why/when would you want to do a AO in blender first and do you need to do it for every project?

3.  Other people on Youtube do not select Unity for import but PBR. Is there a rule as to when etc? I don't do unity just PBR for stills and Cycles Rendering?

Thanks for these courses...

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey Chuck, OBJ works just as well for texturing. My workflow often includes animation data, so I tend to stick to FBX, but for just painting on an object it really doesn't matter. 

    I prefer to bake AO in Blender first, but some people bake AO in Substance. It's another one of those personal preference things - whichever gives you the best result. You should do it every time, since many of Substance's smart materials will base some of their calculations on the AO map. 

    I select Unity since I'm working with Unity, but if you're not then PBR Metallic Roughness will work fine👍