Stacked up questions about UVs in Blender


First off: thank you for a really good course in UV mapping! I´m new to Blender since two weeks and really glad I found you at the beginning! :)

This exercise arouse a bunch of questions, and I posted them in my submission. But I have begun to understand that submissions are not necessarily looked at and graded by the instructors, but can be voted to pass by other community members (am I right on this?). At least happened for me today. It is therefore I now ask my questions to you here as well - sorry for the "spamming"/"cluttering". 

Here goes: 

1. I found two settings for automapping, both in 3D view and in the UV editor. Is there a difference? They don´t seem to be linked (checking one does not check the other)

2. I had problems moving/snapping some of the vertices in the UV editor when overlapping pieces for sharing UV space. This was the case for some vertices along the edge (actually the same vertex but represented on both overlapping "islands"). Is there a way to "align/move selected vertices to same spot in x/y"? When selecting one of the vertices both get selected. I gave up on that, so my UV layout for the sharp edge of the ax isn´t perfect..

3. I tried to get my UV´s as dark blue as I was able (respect to stretch, not angle), but even when UV´s went dark blue in the UV editor, I found some obvious UV stretching i 3D view. Shouldn´t it be rather stretch free if UV´s shows blue? Puzzled :/

4. I was warned; I wrestled with Cycles materials/texture node. Got really frustrated when textures didn´t show up at times. Created x amount of new materials etc. Is there a way to delete and clean up the scene from unused nodes (apart from reopening the scene (which didn´t clean out everything for me)? 

5. I sometimes had a hard time viewing the currently selected objects material in node editor. Is there a way of forcing node editor to "Show material on selected"?

6. It feels like I ended up with a smeared texture.. I found it hard to keep it crisp: either it went awfully jagged OR really blurry. At the end of my texture painting I decided to add a motif on the ax blade by sending it to Krita for external edit. It worked fine, but I believe my texture lost some sharpness in the process, and I later noticed some texture glitches along UV borders which wasn't there before. Does the texture get altered a lot after getting the edit back from external apps? Are there any tricks for having a 512 texture sharp? :) (I guess that separates Master from amateur..)  

Well, thats it! This exercise forced me to UV unwrap and forced me to tackle problems I would have abandoned otherwise, and it was fun!  

I guess some (if not all) of my questions get answered in other tutorials. Perhaps I should have taken the Shading course beforehand? Would really appreciate some pointers in that case!   

Thank you in advance! :)

Da Wide


  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey Da, I answered some of these the best I could on your exercise, before I saw this. Hope that helped! Feel free to follow up here if you still are not sure of about any of the above. 

    Is there a way to delete and clean up the scene from unused nodes (apart from reopening the scene (which didn´t clean out everything for me)?

    The only way I know is to delete the materials, save the file, and revert, save again, and revert again. It's a common enough quirk that there's even an add-on for nuking all that unused data

    I sometimes had a hard time viewing the currently selected objects material in node editor.

    I'm a bit confused by this one, since it should always show the material of the selected object. What is it that it's showing instead?

    Does the texture get altered a lot after getting the edit back from external apps?

    Be sure to export as a PNG and not a JPG so that it won't get crunched between apps. JPG's will progressively get worse each time you hand them off to different apps, but PNG's wont. 

  • melo965 replied
    I am also new to Blender, but I can answer your #2 question somewhat about snapping the verticies together. When I got the two images overlapped closely after mirror-Y, then Used Shift S (Snap) and then Cursor to Selected to get the cursor on the target vertex. Then I selected the other close by vertex and then Shift-S and selected Selected to Cursor. The verticies snapped together! More cumbersome because I don't know the shortcut methods, but it works.