Structural creases

posted to: Leather Collar

Hi, during the sculpting process some structural creases were made, specially in the crest to make the ilusion there are separate pieces. I think these are missing in the final result, how do you manage to make these?

EDIT: Screenshot added

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Hi Daniel - could you point out the area you're referencing via an image? (Screen shot with annotations would be ideal)

  • Daniel Mancebo(dani3) replied

    Hi Kent, maybe structural creases was not the right term, I was talking about construction lines. I've updated the question with the screenshot, I don't know if it can be seen clearly.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Ah, you're right. I must have simply forgotten that detail along the way lol. Looking at the final model, it wouldn't be difficult to cut that detail via CTRL + R (Loop Cut & Slide) inside the selected chain of faces:

  • Daniel Mancebo(dani3) replied

    In my case it's a bit more complicated. Specially in the forehead. Could these lines be done once the retopo is done?

    Or is it something you have to take in account beforehand?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Heh, construction lines is what I meant too. Here's a quick and dirty (and incomplete) example of the workflow: