Why not add the PS portion?

posted to: Final Compositing

This has been a blast. But I can't help feeling like I'm scratching my head...as to why you didn't include the photoshop ocean particles portion to this course. That would've been an amazing addition and a very nice "icing," as it were. :) 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Where in the video do I skip the PS portion?

  • David Frazier(pointoflife14) replied

    Haha, hey Kent, sup bro? I know you showed "that" you made the ocean particles in PS, and sort of the method you used, but you didn't actually record yourself doing it. However, you did share enough information for the viewer to be able to get the gist of it, which I did. The only thing is, I have used Affinity products (Designer and Photo) for a long time and am not very familiar with PS, so I was hoping for you to show that part so I could learn more PS skills. 2 birds with one stone type a thing. But, DUDE! What an amazing course this was...oh my! Favorite of all time so far. 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Oh ok I see what you mean now (starting at 7:52 in the vid). Sorry, I never intend to hide any relevant/significant part of a workflow. It was literally just taking two CC pics from the net and adding them together. Not sure why I chose to do that in PS instead of MixRGB Adding them in Blender's compositor..

    Thanks for the positive feedback, David! Really glad you enjoyed it.

  • David Frazier(pointoflife14) replied

    Yeah, you explained that really well too. So well, that I was able to reproduce something very close to yours with Affinity Photo. I went to CC and found several pics of starry skies with different densities and followed the way you explained it, and even did some extra things and VOILA! It worked like a charm. Even though I believe Affinity can do just about all PS can do, I'll probably just do a Photoshop Udemy course anyway, after I finish my After Effects course. By the way, here's the link to the "Prism Glass" Shader that I used just for whoever reads this: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.blendermarket.com%2Fproducts%2Fprism---fast--advanced-glass-shader-for-cycles&h=ATN8avptqYKmPIowOyS4VVXEnyP076VaTtQ7Xew4k9eW1XqN7gSzqrvyQQGVjWpuu7kgkWHWukA5va1lG1gfayYYMM8RiO-MdM0_NjAW6Rgh7ut2K-E4ftCV8vlWosBwZJKw_OFyVjcQPpiDBAFl


  • David Frazier(pointoflife14) replied

    Oh, you actually said why you chose PS instead of doing it in the Comp stage. It was because of how much more comfortable with the PS method you feel, and how much more flexible that flow seems to you personally; you said it feels like it offers a little bit more control, or something to those ends. :)  

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Heh, it's funny how hard it is to remember things I've taught and where my mind was at. Maybe it was more than just adding the images together...Oh probably because the images would likely have been different resolutions. PS is much easier for cropping them down to 16:9 and transforming them into proper scale/position to one another. That requires several nodes in the compositor..anyhoo, I think we've solved it, Watson 😅 

  • Ryan Brewer(stonewing) replied

    Just wanted to second David's sentiments that this lesson has been a blast. Great work, Mr. Trammell!

    Side note: I'm watching your Feb 21st (recording of the) Live feed On Failure w/Wayne & Jonathan while my Jellyfish renders. It's the first live-cast from cgCookie I've watched. You guys are killin' it! +1 live-cast fan. :)

    Keep up the great work!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Thanks for the positive feedback stonewing! It's a big encouragement to hear that the live streams are hitting home with our members :)

  • David Frazier(pointoflife14) replied

    Definitely Kent! Such a blessed and gifted educator. All you guys are. \m/_   ><   _\m/

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Aww shucks ☺️