Musgrave texture inconsistent across model

I'm having a bit of trouble with the Musgrave Texture node; The lower half of my jellyfish domes look like white noise. Blender version is 2.79

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I've never seen that before...Can you post a download link to your .blend file so I can take a closer look?

  • charthedragon replied
  • charthedragon replied

    I found a work-around in the mean time:
    Texture Coordinate node with the Normal setting plugged into the Musgrave Texture's vector slot, then dropping the scale number till the texture matches the video.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    A couple solutions about this. Start by selecting your object, then:

    1. First try applying your scale with CTRL + A and choosing "Scale". Wonky scale values can cause funky behavior in many situations including textures and rigging. As a general rule, when I get funky behavior with an object, one of my first troubleshooting options is applying transforms (scale first, then rotation, then translation - or all 3 at once depending on the situation). You can always undo it if it's not the fix.

    2. Disable Auto Texture Space and resetting texture space size values to 1. Similar principle to applying scale transforms (from X,X,X to 1,1,1) but for an object's "texture space"

  • charthedragon replied

    Thanks! Applying transform fixes the issue for me.