Wings in final rig not updating properly

I'm not sure what the problem is but the wings in my mirrored rig are not working properly and I don't know why.. It has something to do with blender not updating the rig in posemode.. or partly. When I pose the right wing for instance with the IK Hand control, I need to TAB in and out edit mode to see the result. But when I start posing the left wing, nothing happens at all. The weird part is when i reset all 'posing' and start with the left wing, it's exactly the opposite, it works (with some use of TAB) but then the right wing won't move at all.

All the names, axis etc look fine.

I use Blender 2.79

It looks like the updating issue starting to appear in 'Rigging the Wing I' But then a whole lot worse.

There is one question in the rigging quiz about a dependancy loop.. but I can't find the videopart about this issue.

Hope someone can help

All the best

  • Kent Trammell replied

    It sounds like a dependency loop or dependency graph issue. Try this: Press ALT + A to play through your timeline. While that's happening, try moving your wings around.

    If your wings move fine when the timeline is playing, it's gotta be a dependency graph issue.

  • wieger replied

    Hmm.. I'm afraid it's something else then..  I think rebuilding the wings it is  :)

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Ugh, sorry to hear that. As much as I hate redoing stuff (and thus hate others having to redo stuff), repeating work always goes better the second (third, fourth, etc) time.