Menu text images not shrinking back to starting size

posted to: Scripting UI

When selecting the Options menu and then choosing Back, the Options image on the main menu is still zoomed in.  If you click it again, the Back option that was previously selected is also zoomed in.  In fact, if you move your cursor quickly over "Start" and then click on "Options", when you go back, Start is partially zoomed.

Is there something that I'm missing about resetting the animation either after the initial click, or when the screen is switched?  It doesn't seem to be the Navigation 

I've included a time on the video where you can see this behaviour.  (08:35 if it doesn't show up in the message).

  • Jim McLachlan(jimmack) replied

    I was looking for the wrong thing.  As I understand it, the problem is that when you press the option, the script disables the menu group containing the image that is being animated, so the animation gets stopped.

    I was trying to find a way to reset the animation to the first frame when I re-enabled the group.

    Wrong!  :-D

    I've fixed it with a solution so simple I could kick myself.

    I added another animation with a single "Scale" keyframe at 0 that sets the image to it's default scale (1.75 in my case).

    Hope that helps.


  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    Hey Jim, yes that was the issue. It was brought up before and that's what I realized happens as well. My solution was essentially the same as yours, to add in another keyframe to change it back to it's original size.