Errors with NavMeshComponents


I'm working on the Pathfinder course. I've run into a error using Unity 2017. When I import the NavMesh Components, I get an error that says the boxboundshandle is obsolete and to use the parameterless constructor instead. Is there an updated version of the NavMesh Components?  Or do you have to edit the NavMesh C# script? 


Below are the error codes just in case you need it. 

Errors from downloading assets from Github download...

Assets/NavMeshComponents/Editor/NavMeshModifierVolumeEditor.cs(21,42): warning CS0618: `UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.BoxBoundsHandle.BoxBoundsHandle(int)' is obsolete: `Use parameterless constructor instead.'

Assets/NavMeshComponents/Editor/NavMeshSurfaceEditor.cs(60,42): warning CS0618: `UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.BoxBoundsHandle.BoxBoundsHandle(int)' is obsolete: `Use parameterless constructor instead.'


Errors from the pathfinder 2017 download...

Assets/Pathfinding2017/NavMeshComponents/Editor/NavMeshModifierVolumeEditor.cs(21,42): warning CS0618: `UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.BoxBoundsHandle.BoxBoundsHandle(int)' is obsolete: `Use parameterless constructor instead.'

Assets/Pathfinding2017/NavMeshComponents/Editor/NavMeshSurfaceEditor.cs(60,42): warning CS0618: `UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls.BoxBoundsHandle.BoxBoundsHandle(int)' is obsolete: `Use parameterless constructor instead.'

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    It's just a warning. These components are still being worked on by the Unity team, so they have some obsolete aspects within their scripts. It won't prevent the components from working. If they show up as errors (in red) then those could prevent you from using them properly. 

  • mleonard17 replied


    Thanks for the quick reply.