About 9-minutes into the lesson, Jonathan begins to set the rivets around the cockpit using duplifaces. At about 9:20, he ...

About 9-minutes into the lesson, Jonathan begins to set the rivets around the cockpit using duplifaces. At about 9:20, he turns off render for the rivet-path: he says it will hide the path but not the rivets on the path. When I render my plane, I don't see my rivets around the cockpit unless I render the path also. What am I doing wrong?
  • Alec Hussak(ccplus1) replied
    Well, thanks for the help! The bad news is that that didn't work; my rivets still don't render. The good news is that for some reason, after restarting Blender, the base object automatically doesn't render when using duplifaces. Don't know what happened, but I like it. Thanks anyway for your time!
  • krystman replied
    None of these solutions work for me. It's either render the base with the rivets or render nothing. Same thing with moving to different layers.